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Australia Tourism

Date Added: August 09, 2009 03:40:20 PM

We recommend that you must take a Medical and Travel Insurance policy before or immediately after coming to Australia so that you can be safe in case of loss , accidents and medical emergencies and other problems. One special thing about Australia is that becuase it is on the Southern hamisphere the weather is opposite. Say if its Winters in US it will be summer in Australia. Weather greatly varies and is warm on the Northern parts and cold on the southern parts. Australia tourism is a must for every body. There are many airlines operation to and from major cities of Australia. Australia has three time zones: Eastern Standard Time (EST) for the eastern states, Central Standard Time (CST) for the Northern Territory and South Australia and Western Standard Time (WST) for Western Australia. Qantas is the name of National airline of Australia and it goes to many countries across the world and to almost all Australian cities. You need to apply for a visitor Visa before you fly to Australia. Visitor of certain countries can apply online for a tourist visa while other have to mail in their tourist visa applications or have to appear in person in any Australian consulate for approval. There are cerain condition which have to be met like health and reason for travel etc. So please get full information before you plan your journey. There are many parks and natural areas to visit in Australia. Australia tourism is also a good option for people in NewZealand and Kiwis even dont need a visa to vist. Sydney is a major city and Sydney tousim is also a good option.

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Australia Tourism
There are many parks and natural areas to visit in Australia. Australia tourism is also a good option for people in New Zealand and Kiwis even dont need a visa to visit.